Karma Quotes

Top Karma Quotes to Inspire You to Live Your Best Life

Karma quotes are sayings or aphorisms that typically focus on the consequences of one’s actions. The belief that what goes around comes around is a central tenet of many religions and philosophies, and it’s often used to encourage people to act with kindness and compassion. While the idea of karma can be traced back thousands of years, the term “karma quote” is relatively new. These quotes are often shared on social media as a way to inspire others to live according to their beliefs.

  • “Good karma comes back to those who do good deeds.” – Unknown
  • “Karma is like a boomerang. What you give, comes back to you.” – Unknown
  • “Karma is not just about the consequences of our actions. It’s also about how our actions affect others.” – Dalai Lama
  • “Karma is a funny thing. You never know when it’s going to bite you in the ass.” – Unknown
  • “Karma is a bitch. But she’s a fair bitch.” – Unknown
  • “Live a good and honorable life. Then, when you are older, you can look back and enjoy it a second time.” — Dalai Lama

  • “Karma is like a rubber band. It can stretch only so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.” – Unknown
  • “Karma is a bitch. But she’s also a beautiful thing. She’s the reason why what goes around, comes around.” – Unknown
  • “Karma is what you put out there.” – Dwayne Johnson
  • “Realize that everything connects to everything else.” — Leonardo da Vinci
  • “Karma is a powerful thing.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  • “Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.” ― Sakyong Mipham
  • “Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.” — Elbert Hubbard
  • “Karma is real.” – Beyonce
  • “Karma has no deadline.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
  • “Karma is like a boomerang. What goes around, comes around.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
  • “Karma is often mistaken for destiny.” ~ Joe Vitale
  • “This is your karma. You do not understand now, but you will understand later.” — Raven Rose, Shadow Selves
  • “Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.” — Edwin Hubbell Chapin
  • “Karma is a powerful force. It’s one of the universe’s ways of keeping us honest and true.” ~ Rhonda Byrne
  • “Karma is like a wheel. It will keep on turning until it comes back to you.” ~ Tony Robbins
  • “Karma is a law of nature. It’s the equivalent of gravity. It’s the way the universe keeps us honest.” ~ Suzy Kassem
  • “Karma is a bitch.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
  • “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Karma is often misunderstood. People think it’s a punishment for bad deeds, but it’s actually the result of good deeds.” ~ Buddha
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Karma quotes are often used to describe the idea that what goes around, comes around. This means that if someone does something bad, they will eventually experience bad things themselves. This is often seen as a way of justice, and it can be a motivation for people to do good things.