Keeping Your New Hires Happy During their Onboarding

Keeping Your New Hires Happy During their Onboarding


Labor shortages are becoming more widespread globally in a variety of industries and job categories, despite the fact that the majority of the rhetoric around the Great Resignation is focused on American office employees. The labor markets in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Asia are also experiencing instability related to both “skilled” and “unskilled” workers. The businesses who spend on employee onboarding will be the ones that retain important talent and make investments in their workforces as the global labor market continues to change.

What is onboarding? The objectives of onboarding should be to position new hires for success and shorten the time it takes for them to feel comfortable with their new duties. This only functions if onboarding procedures are carefully planned with the purpose in mind. But the advent of remote and mixed work has made onboarding even more difficult. Remote onboarding or training was cited by HR respondents in a 2020 Workable study as the largest hiring problem during the epidemic, and it is still a challenge for companies.

Set Clear Goals

You should first assess your onboarding goals before starting a fresh onboarding program. The four Cs—compliance, clarify, culture, and connection—should all be included in your goals when you are assessing them. It’s time to choose how you’ll gauge success after you’ve established a set of objectives that take into account all four Cs. Your measurements, which should contain both quantitative indicators (such as the proportion of new workers still employed at your organization after a year) and qualitative data, should be directly related to your goals (like feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience). Before taking any more action, make sure you schedule a meeting with corporate executives because the development of these goals and measures involves input from stakeholders across your organization.

Create Team

Create an onboarding procedure that includes team members from relevant departments, important stakeholders, and the CEO if you want to enhance the employee experience at work. Managers should integrate new hires into their team as quickly as possible. Make sure the team is aware of the new hire’s hiring reasons and the roles they will play in the team and the organization before introducing them. Strong team relationships can take more initial time to foster, but they can increase employee performance and productivity.

Continue Support

Managers should concentrate on reducing the amount of time spent on administrative tasks by new hires and increasing the amount of time spent on performance coaching and networking throughout the onboarding process. HR should have provided you with a technical platform to execute these important responsibilities. You can use these tools to apply and monitor onboarding best practices in real time at each stage of the procedure. Last but not least, you need to make sure that this new platform works with the rest of your HRMS. This will make it simple for you to monitor the effects of your onboarding program on the actual performance of new hires in the workplace and levels of new employee satisfaction. Making a solid onboarding procedure for new workers is essential in a time when businesses are finding it difficult to retain talent. Managers may increase engagement, boost new hires’ confidence, and foster an atmosphere where talent is retained for years to come by creating a comprehensive onboarding program.

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