7 Myths About Hepatitis Debunked

7 Myths About Hepatitis Debunked


You have probably heard about hepatitis. But if you haven’t worried, not as we have got your back. Hepatitis can be regarded as the inflammation of the liver. It can be due to various facts such as viruses, toxins, drugs, alcohol consumption, and autoimmune conditions. 

On my account, when I visited the top hospitals in Rawalpindi, I realized the many myths regarding Hepatitis. Let us debunk the common myths that are circulating all of us.

But first, let’s expand our information regarding hepatitis. 

Types of Hepatitis

Infections of the liver which are predominantly known as hepatitis can be classified as 

  1. Hepatitis A
  2. Hepatitis B 
  3. Hepatitis C
  4. Hepatitis D
  5. Hepatitis E 

From being too old to the refusal of the use of vaccinations. Written below are some of the myths that have been circulating us for quite some time. Let’s take a moment to separate the truth from the misconceptions.

Misconceptions about Hepatitis 

Learn the truth about hepatitis here 

Myth 1; Hepatitis C is Highly Rare

No, it is not the case. It is one of the most common infections in the world. According to WHO, 325 million people suffer from Hepatitis B and C annually. In more terrifying reports, the annual death toll that is related to Hepatitis C is dangerously high. 

Myth 2; Not all types of Hepatitis is Serious 

It is true to some extent. This misconception is more of a misunderstanding. Yes, some hepatitis is self-limiting. But it does not mean that they should not be taken seriously. If left, untreated they can give rise to serious liver damages.

Hepatitis A tends to make people sick for a short duration. Hepatitis B can cause serious complications but the chances of such happening are 2-6%. Difficult to diagnose at first is Hepatitis C and if left untreated can cause liver damage, liver cirrhosis and can be fatal. 

So regardless of the infection, make sure to take extra care of your body. 

Myth 3; Teenagers are more Prone to Hepatitis C

No, it is not the truth! Anyone can develop this disease. It does not mean that only teenagers are most likely to develop this disease. The people who are more vulnerable to such infections are those 

  1. People who have liver issues
  2. Drug-addicts 
  3. Are affected by HIV
  4. Has an unscreened blood transfusion
  5. Children who are born to mothers with Hepatitis C

Myth 4; The Symptoms are there to Let You Know 

No, this is not the usual case. Vitamin C is easily known as the “Silent Epidemic”. This is because of the fact, that you would have no idea that you are infected with the virus. You might be living with the virus for quite some time and be unaware of its presence. That is why make sure to take things seriously. 

Myth 5; People who have Hepatitis have Jaundice 

Yes, jaundice is indeed a sign of liver problems. But not all hepatitis viruses lead to jaundice. So it does not mean that you only have to visit the doctor for potential hepatitis infection if you have jaundice. 

As mentioned before, Hepatitis C often goes under the radar as the symptoms do not appear at that moment. They tend to appear when the virus has done most of the damage. So do not wait for the symptoms of jaundice to appear to pay attention to your liver health

Myth 6; Women who have Hepatitis C should not Breastfeed

It is important to note that people think that hepatitis C is a contagious disease. Hepatitis c is a blood infection. The most common mode of its transfer is through the use of infected needles and used syringes. 

So a mother should only refrain from feeding the child if she has bleeding or cracked nipples. This practice is best as it protects her child. But on the other hand, if she does not have any such issues then she can breastfeed her child. 

Myth 7; All Hepatitis C Drugs Have Side Effects 

This is the half side of the story. With the advancement of science and the recent surge in the use of the right knowledge, the medicinal sector has also evolved for good. The markets now host new and better antiviral medicines which have made the treatment more easy and painless. With this, the risk of side effects is also reduced. 

The Bottom Line 

Yes, you might have heard about these aforementioned myths. But it is the right time that we dispel these false rumors with the truth. So make sure to rely on the right information and do not hesitate to visit your health care provider.  

7 Myths about Hepatitis Debunked

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You have probably heard about hepatitis. But if you haven’t worry not as we have got your back. Hepatitis can be regarded as the inflammation of the liver. It can be due to various facts such as viruses, toxins, drugs, alcohol consumption, and autoimmune conditions. 

On my account, when I visited the top hospitals in Rawalpindi, I get to realize the many myths regarding Hepatitis. Let us debunk the common myths that are circulating all of us.

But first, let’s expand our information regarding hepatitis. 

Types of Hepatitis

Infections of the liver which are predominately known as hepatitis can be classified as 

  1. Hepatitis A
  2. Hepatitis B 
  3. Hepatitis C
  4. Hepatitis D
  5. Hepatitis E 

From being too old to the refusal of the use of vaccinations. Written below are some of the myths that have been circulating us for quite some time. Let’s take a moment to separate the truth from the misconceptions.

Misconceptions about Hepatitis 

Learn the truth about hepatitis here 

Myth 1; Hepatitis C is Highly Rare

No, it is not the case. It is one of the most common infections in the world. According to WHO, 325 million people suffer from Hepatitis B and C annually. In more terrifying reports, the annual death toll that is related to Hepatitis C is dangerously high. 

Myth 2; Not all types of Hepatitis is Serious 

It is true to some extent. This misconception is more of a misunderstanding. Yes, some hepatitis is self-limiting. But it does not mean that they should not be taken seriously. If left, untreated they can give rise to serious liver damages.

Hepatitis A tends to make people sick for a short duration. Hepatitis B can cause serious complications but the chances of such happening are 2-6%. Difficult to diagnose at first is Hepatitis C and if left untreated can cause liver damage, liver cirrhosis and can be fatal. 

So regardless of the infection, make sure to take extra care of your body. 

Myth 3; Teenagers are more Prone to Hepatitis C

No, it is not the truth! Anyone can develop this disease. It does not mean that only teenagers are most likely to develop this disease. The people who are more vulnerable to such infections are those 

  1. People who have liver issues
  2. Drug-addicts 
  3. Are affected by HIV
  4. Has an unscreened blood transfusion
  5. Children who are born to mothers with Hepatitis C

Myth 4; The Symptoms are there to Let You Know 

No, this is not the usual case. Vitamin C is easily known as the “Silent Epidemic”. This is because of the fact, that you would have no idea that you are infected with the virus. You might be living with the virus for quite some time and be unaware of its presence. That is why make sure to take things seriously. 

Myth 5; People who have Hepatitis have Jaundice 

Yes, jaundice is indeed a sign of liver problems. But not all hepatitis viruses lead to jaundice. So it does not mean that you only have to visit the doctor for potential hepatitis infection if you have jaundice. 

As mentioned before, Hepatitis C often goes under the radar as the symptoms do not appear at that moment. They tend to appear when the virus has done most of the damage. So do not wait for the symptoms of jaundice to appear to pay attention to your liver health. 

Myth 6; Women who have Hepatitis C should not Breastfeed

It is important to note that people think that hepatitis C is a contagious disease. Hepatitis c is a blood infection. The most common mode of its transfer is through the use of infected needles and used syringes. 

So a mother should only refrain from feeding the child if she has bleeding or cracked nipples. This practice is best as it protects her child. But on the other hand, if she does not have any such issues then she can breastfeed her child. 

Myth 7; All Hepatitis C Drugs Have Side Effects 

This is the half side of the story. With the advancement of science and the recent surge in the use of the right knowledge, the medicinal sector has also evolved for good. The markets now host new and better antiviral medicines which have made the treatment more easy and painless. With this, the risk of side effects is also reduced. 

The Bottom Line 

Yes, you might have heard about these aforementioned myths. But it is the right time that we dispel these false rumors with the truth. So make sure to rely on the right information and do not hesitate to visit your health care provider.  

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