The Surprising Health Benefits Of Giving Gifts to Loved Ones

The Surprising Health Benefits Of Giving Gifts to Loved Ones


We always hear or say that gift-giving is better than receiving a gift. But, why? Many people will have different answers for that. But there is one thing we all know about gift-giving: how good we feel after we give something to someone we love. 

With that said, did you know that the special feeling that we get when we give has unique benefits? If you want to know more about it, here are details about the health benefits of giving, which might encourage you to do it more often: 

Giving is good for the heart 

You may be already familiar with the enjoyment that gift-giving gives but did you know that the delight we get helps lower blood pressure? The happiness you see on your loved one’s face will bounce back to you, making your heart healthy and filled with love.

If you are someone with a high risk of hypertension or high blood pressure, you should definitely consider being generous and giving more. It is said that positive interactions and healthy social behavior help the heart. And, giving to the people you love is a good practice which means it can lower blood pressure. 

“The process of giving will only serve to open your world in ways you could not even begin to imagine and you will feel a lot better than before you actually proffered that help in the first place,” as Adam Richards once said in his book Habits.

Giving helps you get better sleep

Are you suffering from insomnia or sleep apnea? Sleeping is the most important thing we do every day. We can’t function well if we do not have enough of it. And you know what helps people to get enough sleep? It is by freeing the mind and knowing that you have a purpose in life. 

When you surprise a gift for family, a friend, or a lover or just providing for the needs of your loved ones, you will have a sense of direction in life. This way, when you hit the sack and think of what’s happening in your life, you will feel satisfied and relaxed, which helps you sleep with comfort. 

In this case, Piero Ferucci’s words that “giving kindness does us as much good as receiving it” is certainly true.

Giving gifts fights anxiety and depression

Changing the lifestyle is the most effective way to fight depression and anxiety. If you suffer from moderate to severe depression or anxiety, there is also another thing to do on top of seeking professional help. And, being busy with positive behavior such as giving will help you to be happier. It could be gift-giving or just spending time with other people. You’ll be doing something else that will help you to stop overthinking.

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Through these acts, you can feel the gratification of helping others and making your loved ones happy. Also, you can have support from the people you love, which can reduce the feeling of loneliness and be free from distressing thoughts. 

Giving can ease stress levels

Are you stressed out about something? One that is proven to be effective in dissipating stress is to be distracted. A lot of times, running away from things will be the best way to help you. When you are in an environment full of people with established self-esteem, you can also be influenced by their positive behaviors. Also, the people you’ll be around will have so many stories to tell. This makes you forget about the thing that causes you to be stressed out. 

Giving is like finding a new focus. When you free yourself and be generous, especially with your loved ones, you will feel a nice fulfilling change in your life. Moreover, looking for a gift is relaxing —you can do it online or go to physical stores. This way, you let yourself be more concerned about the right gift for a best friend, family member, or lover. 

Giving helps you to stay physically and mentally active

If you don’t get to move a lot and you are always in your room not doing anything, remember that you can always do something good with your time. You always focus on the people around you. Let your mind and body be generous because the satisfaction that you get every time you do it will motivate you to keep going in life. 

Additionally, doing good deeds provides benefits to your physical and mental health. How you move every time you shop for somebody works wonders for the body. Not to mention, the happiness you feel every time you give keeps your brain active. 

As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”


A bonus benefit when giving something to someone you love is developing your connection with the person. This can help strengthen your relationship with that person, such as giving magical gifts to your spouse that will surprise them and help keep your relationship alive. 

Overall, giving helps you live longer because of the benefit you can get from it. You’ll be so much happier, which is terrific for your heart, mind, and your entire well-being. 

In the stoic philosopher Seneca’s words: “a gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” 

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