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Body Image Issues


We look at the models and idealize their size zero bodies, that still manage to be voluptuous. The perfectly toned bodies are flaunted about, especially for women to get inspired by.

The result, ordinary women and girls consider these flawed standards as the epitome of beauty. Never mind most of the images are photoshopped and edited and are not representative of the true image.

Never mind the fact that to comply with the nigh impossible beauty standards, models and celebrities have to get extensive plastic surgeries done. From their lips to their cheekbones, to their bosom, and even their legs, everything is carefully crafted in the office of a highly acclaimed, albeit discrete, plastic surgeon.

However, unbeknownst to the ground realities of these alleged standards of beauty, many women get influenced by the sham show that the fashion industry is. They naturally –and mostly- fall short of the painstakingly crafted beauty goals, leading to problems like negative body image issues. They then might need counseling from a Psychiatrist in Lahore over these psychological issues .

Negative Body Image

Distorted or negative body image is a condition in which people are unable to realistically view their bodies. For them, their bodies always fall short of perfection, are not a pretty sight and they forever consider their weight the bane of their existence, even when it is normal and healthy.

Whereas it is commonly found in women, especially young girls, it has also started to afflict men, thanks to the pressures from social media.

The lack of confidence in one’s own body then makes people view themselves as unattractive, and unacceptable. They never get happy at the sight of their own bodies. It then breeds low self-esteem and self-worth.

Body image is not just about your size or weight, but also includes other factors like your gender, clothing, hair, skin color, facial features, modesty etc. This complex hoard of factors is also influenced by your culture, peers, family and even social media presence.

It is more prevalent in adolescents, as their bodies change during puberty. Not only are the teenage minds more fragile, but teenagers also have to make peace by changing into new bodies. Thus, teenagers can be especially volatile with regards to their body image issues.

But it’s not just the peers and fashion world that makes teenagers more vulnerable to distorted body image; according to one study, children with relationship problems with their parents are more likely to suffer from these issues.

Impact of negative body image

As if low self-esteem is not enough, distorted body image also leads to other mental health problems as well. It paves ways for body dysmorphic disorder, a serious condition in which people fixate over slight or even non-existent flaws in their appearance.

BDD is a psychiatric disorder that disrupts daily life. It makes people obsessed with their alleged flaws and makes them avoid social contact as well. It also causes excessive mirror checking and grooming, problems with concentrating at their duties, compulsive habits etc.

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Negative body image also causes mood disorders. It can also cause people to develop eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia. In the former, people do not eat, as they perceive themselves to be fatter than they are, and in the latter, people throw-up after eating.

Moreover, negative body image can also make people insecure about themselves, that can put strain on their relationships. Some might even harm themselves as well.

Negative body image issues may also be a consequence of other mental health problems like social anxiety disorder, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), depression etc.

Getting better

Reassess your use of social media

While social media has been great for connecting people, it has been bad for self-image. We have to realize people’s social media avatars are not a true representation of their lives, or beauty for that matter.

If you feel awful and inadequate after spending time on social media, and if its usage is making you feel inferior about your looks, perhaps you should stop using these forums. You can maintain social connections via other chatting platforms, but anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin has to go.

Positive outlook

Try being around people who have a good aura, who do not relish in pointing out your flaws, who make you appreciate what you have, and try adopting that positive energy.

Moreover, try giving yourself some pep talk, whereby you debunk the negative thoughts occurring in your mind, and reinforce the belief that you are pretty, the way you are.

Similarly, stop comparing yourself to others. People who are trying to put you down through their toxic presence need to be removed from your life. Also, try to use your time in positive things like volunteering at a shelter or running a charity drive. It will help you get some perspective in life as well.


Be grateful for your body, no matter how flabby or imperfect you might perceive it to be. Practicing gratitude is important for promoting feelings of contentment and it also has a positive impact on your perspective and self-image.

So, start a gratitude journal in which you enlist all the things you are grateful for; start from the very basics like functional limbs, so you are able to realize that the wonder of the human body lies in not the superficial.


If the negative body image is extremely disruptive and is not getting better with rational thinking, perhaps you should seek help from an expert. Not only can they counsel you in overcoming your issues, but therapies like CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) are also great for coping with the problem. Some people might also be required to take medications like SSRIs to help change how you view your body. Thus, do not hesitate to seek help from a qualified Psychiatrist in Karachi. And remember, you are perfect!

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