WonderFold Wagons

Is WonderFold Wagon better than the Regular Strollers?


Yes, you heard it right. You might just need to get a stroller wagon. And you don’t have to ditch your old trusty stroller. Of course, you can use it for walking around the neighborhood if your baby is still very young, but when it comes to going on a family trip or spending a day at a beach, there is no comparison to the Wonderfold stroller wagon. These new stroller wagons are the perfect combination of a kid’s wagon and a traditional stroller that makes every outdoor experience joyful for the kids and easy for the parents. 

What is a Stroller Wagon vs. a Regular Stroller?

There are several differences between the stroller wagon and a regular stroller. One of the prominent ones is strollers are pushed, whereas stroller wagons provide both options; you can push them as strollers or pull them as if they were kids wagons. Some other differences include;

1. Safety 

The safety of the kid is crucial when it comes to any outdoor activities. Unlike regular strollers, a Wonderfold stroller wagon is equipped with 5-point safety harnesses that provide great safety and stability to the kid even on bumpy roads. 

2. Age 

When a baby grows up, he requires more leg space and comfort, which a regular stroller fails to provide. In contrast, a stroller wagon has a huge room to accommodate kids from 6 months to 5 years. So, if you’re on a trip and your baby wants to take a nap, he can sleep peacefully in the stroller wagon. 

3. Space 

Double strollers offer a good amount of space, but a stroller wagon undoubtedly provides more space to keep kid essentials, snacks, and anything else you need.

4. Number of Passengers

A baby stroller can accommodate one or a maximum of two kids (double stroller). In comparison, a stroller wagon has two categories. One is a double stroller wagon that can accommodate two kids, and the other is a quad stroller wagon that can easily accommodate up to four kids in a single wagon. So, if you’ve more than one kid, you don’t need to handle multiple bulky strollers. Instead, you can select a double stroller or quad stroller wagon from WonderFold. 

5. Canopy

Another major difference between a stroller wagon and a stroller is the stroller wagon is a full canopy to cover your kids. The difference is it’s removable and UPF rated. So on pleasant weather days, you can use it without a canopy, and on a sunny day, the UPF fabric cancels all the harmful sunray and protects your kids from them. 

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6. Handles

As mentioned earlier, the stroller wagons by WonderFold have both push and pull features. In addition, the wagons are equipped with a height-adjustable handlebar and telescopic pull handle with spring bounce technology, providing the parents with ultimate convenience. The good thing about the adjustable handlebar is both parents can push the wagon together while walking outside.  

7. Durability 

Although, all the strollers and baby equipment are durable. However, if we compare the durability of all the Stoller, a stroller wagon would beat the competition. A stroller wagon is made up of a strong frame that makes it very durable. 

8. All Terrain 

A stroller wagon has all-terrain PU tires that make the ride very smooth. Unlike a regular stroller, they can hold more weight capacity. On average, a stroller wagon has a weight capacity of 180lbs. 

9. Features 

Stroller wagon provides extra features like a foot-braking system and an advanced suspension that ensures maximum stability even on bumpy roads. The best feature among all is the one-hand fold and unfold features that make the parent’s life so much easier, especially during traveling

10. Accessories

When it comes to addons, there is a wide range of things that are compatible with a stroller wagon. For example, you can put a 2in1 cooler bag with UV light sterilization, a cold-weather shield, or winter cover to keep your child warm during winters, and so much more can be found on the WonderFold website. 

Are Stroller Wagons Worth it?

The stroller wagons have more features, can generally accommodate more weight, and have multiple kids at a time. In addition, they are durable and offer more protection to the kids. Keeping all these things in mind, investing in a stroller wagon is definitely worth it. In case you’ve twins, triplets, or more kids- then it’s a must for you! 

What’s the best stroller wagon?

Well, it’s not easy to label any model the best stroller wagon. However, if we talk about the manufacturer, WonderFold Wagons has captured a huge market in the US. You can find many reviews where their stroller wagons are on the top of every list. Here are a few of their popular models;

  • X2 Push + Pull Double Stroller Wagon (2 Seater)
  • X4 Push + Pull Quad Stroller Wagon (4 Seater)
  • X2 Woodland Green Push + Pull Double Stroller Wagon w Magnetic Seatbelt, Harness
  • W4 Original Quad Stroller Wagon (4 Seater)

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