Reasons Why Breast Augmentation is In-Demand


Women usually get breast augmentation to correct uneven breasts, give them more confidence, and adjust the size of their breasts. Bread augmentation has been a trend in recent years. You could get a breast augmentation at Sadeghi Center for Plastic Surgery. Here are some reasons why breast augmentation is in demand.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that would help you increase your breast size through implants that are placed under your breast tissues or your chest muscles.

Types of Breast Augmentation

  1. Silicone breast implants

Silicone breast implants are filled out of silicone gel. This gel would feel more like a natural breast and the gel would then remain in the shell of the implant in case the implant would leak. The breast plant has an implant pocket that holds the gel so that the silicone gel would not collapse. Silicone breast implants are usually for women who are 22-years-old and older.

  1. Saline breast implants

Filled with sterile saltwater, saline breast implants would be able to absorb and naturally expel some of the leaks of the implants from your body. It would be able to give you a firm and uniform shape for women who are 18 or older.

  1. Round breast implants

To make your breast appear more full and stable, round breast implants are there. This would be able to project higher profile options and there is less consent about the implants rotating because it’s round and the implants have the same shape all over.

  1. Textured breast implants

Textured breast implants are known because they are less likely to move and shift, repositioning itself because it would develop some scar tissues that would be able to stick to the implant.

  1. Structured saline breast implants

Like a saline breast implant, structured saline breast implants are also filled with sterile saltwater but they are far more natural because they have an inner structure.

  1. Gummy bear breast implants

Gummy bear breast implants are form-stable implants; they are called gummy bear breast implants because they could maintain their shape even though the shell of the implant may be broken. The implants that are out on you are firmer compared to the traditional implants because the gel of the silicone has a thicker consistency.

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There are going to be more projections at the bottom because of the gummy bear-shaped breast implants and when it rotates, the whole thing may look unusual and you are going to have to get a whole new procedure in order to correct it.

  1. Smooth breast implants

If you want to achieve a soft breast, smooth breast implants are there and they would be able to move with the breast implant pocket. Because of the breast implant pocket, your breast would be able to move more naturally.

What is the safest form of breast augmentation?

When it comes to what is the safest form of breast augmentation, people are considering both saline and silicone breast implants to be the safest for breast reconstruction and breast augmentation because of the combination of both safety and effectiveness of the implants.

Recovery After Breast Augmentation

After the whole procedure, you may feel a bit of soreness and swell for a few weeks and some bruising. But you would be able to expect the scars to fade over time.

You could wear a compression bandage or a sports bra while you are healing because they could bring some extra support to your breast and help keep the breast position in place. Aside from wearing these things that could help you keep those implants in place, your surgeon will also prescribe you some pain meds in case.

Your surgeon is going to give you some instructions after your surgery, where they will give you some instructions on when you can return to regular activities.

You might be able to go back to your regular work in a few weeks when your job is not that physically demanding, but despite that, you are going to have to avoid extreme activities that would raise your pulse and your blood pressure.

You are going to need to have a follow-up appointment for removal if you notice that the sutures that your surgeon used were not absorbed on their own or if you noticed that the drainage tubes were also not absorbed. You might have an infection if you are warm and your breast is red so you are going to have to contact your surgeon.

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