Diet That Helps To Rebuild Bone Following A Fracture

Diet That Helps To Rebuild Bone Following A Fracture


Bone fracture is very common, and countries like the US annually report more than 3 million cases. In addition to treatment, a healthy and well-balanced diet that sufficiently provides all required nutrients plays a very vital role. A person can certainly reduce healing time by adopting a healthy lifestyle following a healthy diet.

Foods To Avoid

Bones are hard connective tissues that are made up of some key nutrients. In addition to it, bones also help to store some vital nutrients. Following a healthy and well-balanced diet is essential for rapid healing but avoiding certain foods that can interfere with bone healing is equally important. Here is a list of foods you need to avoid or skip for a while.

  • Alcohol

The biggest fact about alcohol is that excessive consumption can make anyone tremble, and this increases the chance of falls and further bone damage. In addition, alcohol interferes and hampers the body’s natural ability to absorb nutrients from food.

You can seek out professional support in order to get rid of alcohol addiction. You can also precisely search out treatment options in your city. For instance, if you reside in San Antonio, you can find several treatment options there. Rehabs in San Antonio can help you to set out on the right path of recovery and get back to normal life.

  • Salt

Make sure to take less salt in your diet. You can ensure that you take less of it by reading out labels. With high salt intake, the body tends to lose more calcium through urine. Calcium is a very basic and most essential nutrient to the bone. Following a bone fracture, your body needs to make up for the loss, and it might demand more calcium in your diet.

  • Coffee

Coffee in excess can also interfere with the bone healing process. Coffee is a diuretic, and you might lose some calcium through your urine. Thus, swap it with some other nourishing beverages for some time. If you really want to have a coffee, make sure that you take it in moderation. As taking it in huge amounts, like four or more cups a day can delay the healing process.

What To Eat

As discussed earlier, bones are hard connective tissues of the body. Bones are composed of collagen, a special protein, and calcium phosphate that help to keep the bone structure rigid and intact. A healthy diet rich in protein, calcium, and other nutrients can help fractured bones heal faster. Let us go through a list of foods one needs to take to boost bone healing.

  • Protein

Protein makes almost half part of the bone structure in the form of collagen. Some of it is lost in a fracture, and the body needs to rebuild the lost collagen again. Proteins from food sources assist the body in the making up for lost collagen. With optimum protein levels, the body is better able to store and utilize nutrients such as calcium.

Some healthy sources of protein are fish, red meat, lean meat, eggs, nuts, legumes, beans, seeds, and even vegetables. Another important thing is to make sure that you are taking these food sources in a simpler form. Avoid unhealthy cooking methods such as deep-frying. It can seriously reduce its nutrition.

  • Calcium
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For healthier and stronger bones, an average adult needs about 1000- 12000 milligrams of calcium each day. Calcium is also a key part of the diet for young children and teenagers as it assists the process of bone and structure development. Your physician might recommend the amount of calcium your body needs each day based on your case.

Many times, physicians recommend some supplements, but you should only take them upon your doctor’s advice. Some rich sources of calcium include dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, almond milk, some vegetables, and beans.

  • Potassium

Potassium is an essential nutrient for bone strengthening and bone density. Potassium plays a buffering role in the blood and prevents the loss of bone nutrients, calcium, and phosphorus. Thus, a sufficient amount of potassium is necessary for healthy bones and for maintaining bone density.

You can source potassium from fresh fruits. Bananas make an excellent source of potassium. Other than it, potatoes, nuts, seeds, fish, and meat are all great sources of potassium.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the nutrient that allows the body to absorb and store calcium better. A body deficient in Vitamin D becomes unable to derive key nutrients such as calcium and other bone minerals. In order to regain bone strength and to help it heal faster, the body needs a sufficient amount of Vitamin D.

Sun is the best natural source of Vitamin D. The skin produces Vitamin D when it becomes exposed to sunlight. Getting sunlight for some time during the day helps you build a sufficient amount of Vitamin D, and you do not have to really do much for it. In addition, you can also source it from food. Egg yolks and fatty fish make an excellent source of Vitamin D.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body to synthesize collagen. Collagen is the key bone protein. Thus, make sure that your body does not go low on vitamin C, and it will eventually give a boost to bone healing mechanisms. Vitamin C is abundantly found in fresh fruits and their juice. 

With iron deficiency, you are likely to deal with anemia. Anemia means that your body does not have a sufficient amount of red blood cells. Blood plays a vital role in carrying bone-strengthening minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. In addition, it also plays a role in collagen synthesis. Meat sources of food abundantly supply iron to the body. Some vegetables also provide iron to the body.

Take Away

Taking a well-balanced diet rich in some key nutrients to the bone can allow it to rebuild bone at a greater pace. Also, make sure that you avoid unhealthy foods that hamper the natural ability of the body to absorb and store bone nutrients. 

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