Engineered Wood Floor

Engineered Wood Floor


Engineered wood flooring is made up of anything between 3 and 12 layers of bias. These layers of bias are cross concentrated, also fused and pressed together to form a really strong bond. It’s this clicked core board that makes finagled wood flooring so veritably different from solid wood flooring. 

 Once the core board has been cut into flooring planks, the lingo and groove are created. In effect, the further layers of ply a board has, generally speaking the tougher it’ll be. 

For illustration, a 3 bias board will have a single core board, a base subcaste and a real wood top sub caste or lamina. 

The problem with numerous 3- bias finagled wood bottom results is that the core board, where the lingo and groove fit together can come fragile, so generally speaking, if your budget allows, you should choose a multi-layer board. 

How is it made? 

  1. As formerly mentioned, the core board of finagled wood flooring is made by relating layers and layers of bias together. Later, the top subcaste is added and it’s that subcaste that really makes the end effect look so good. 
  2. There are two different ways to gain the top sub caste of solid wood for finagled wood flooring. The first is called slicing or sawing and the second is called rotary slice. 
  3. A sliced veneer is made by cutting through cross sections of a tree box. A rotary cut veneer is made by effectively cutting a thin subcaste from all the way round the tree box to produce a veneer‘ distance’.
  4. Once the veneers have been cut from the tree, they’re also clicked on to the top of the core board to give its finish and incredibly good aesthetics. Not unexpectedly, a sliced or sawn veneer can be cut thicker than a rotary cut veneer.
  5. Although a sliced or sawn veneer gives a more natural look to the wood, if it’s a more dramatic grain effect you ’re looking for, you might be stylish to choose a rotary cut. 
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What makes it so special? 

The thing that makes finagled wood flooring so special is the strength of its core board. As you can imagine, anything that’s made up of a combination of colorful layers of bias that are clicked together using a strong glue will be stronger than a single piece of wood of the same consistency. This is important because it affects the stability of the bottom. 

 Stability means the bottom’s capability to remain harmonious indeed when conditions change. Imagine a situation where temperature and humidity situations are shifting, a situation that’s particularly common in the likes of bathrooms and kitchens. In these conditions, solid wood expands and contracts significantly but finagled wood flooring is much less affected. 

Why is this important? 

 In effect, inordinate expansion and compression can play annihilation with bottoms, creating uncomely and draughty gaps as well as significantly adding the threat of cupping and, or bowing. 

Thanks to the way finagled wood flooring is made, the core board stays stable, in all but really extreme conditions.


Engineered wood flooring is more stable than real hardwood, which implies it is less susceptible to shrinking and buckling. Because of its solidity, click systems may be used at the connections, making it perfect for everyone searching for a true wood floor where they can build themselves.


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