Guide to hiring an HVAC Contractor

Guide to hiring an HVAC Contractor


Thinking of getting a new A/c installed in your shop? Not sure how to find the right contractor?

When you need your heating or air conditioning system replaced or repaired, you’d probably look for an HVAC contractor. But the real question is how?

It goes without a doubt that not all contractors out there are the same, that’s why you need to know which HVAC contractor to hire. Doing proper research before you hire one can mean the difference between getting a professional, solid installation and getting ripped off. The problem with most HVAC contractors is that they aren’t even real contractors. Imagine you want AC for your shop in Colorado Springs, a simple Google Search for “Ac Installation For Store Colorado Springs CO” will show you a ton of companies but after meeting up with them you’ll realize that they are just fixers with stickered up vans.

Now that doesn’t mean you lose hope and simply give up. All you need is some guidance and you too will be able to find the right contractor for the job at hand.

Here are a few tips we think will help you find the right contractor.


Now everyone would tell you to go with the more experienced one and the ones who have been doing this for a while. Not only will they be able to do the job more professionally. You will be able to get enough reviews from different sources to know if they are any good.

But there’s a catch, technology is ever-changing, and the same is the case with these systems. Old contractors might be using outdated methods. So the best thing to do going neutral. Many companies have technicians that in their twenties and they do a better job than most experienced ones.

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Avoid the ones that give you quotations or estimates over phone

I mean it’s pretty obvious, Air conditioners or whatever you want to be installed or especially repaired are complex. Not even a professional can make estimates over the phone. There are a lot of variables here that you just cannot know over a phone. What kind of insulation do you have for your rooms? Are their enough registers per room? A professional will do a manual inspect, and then after looking at everything perform a manual-J calculation for recommending the capacity of the HVAC equipment needed.

So make sure that the contractor you hire does a proper inspection and if he gives you estimates about Air Conditioner Installation Cost for your home here in Colorado Springs CO over the phone, don’t hire them.

The contractor you hire has to be licensed

Now what you really need to focus on instead of experience is their license. Many contractors out there will claim to be licensed but are actually not. And it wouldn’t be a big issue but as the job includes handling gases that are hazardous and electrical wiring, any small mistake can cause a huge problem.

Contractors like emergency hvac repair Las Vegas that are licensed have trained and tested professionals working for them, which drastically decreased the chance of things going wrong and allow you to take resources if something does go wrong.

Don’t get your old air conditioner replaced with the same model

If they are selling you the same model again chances are that they are trying to unload their old inventory. AC units last about 10-15 years. But an experienced contractor will bring you a lot of options to make your home up to date and efficient.

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