Why is Xmas celebrated on Dec. 25?

Why is Xmas celebrated on Dec. 25?

A father and daughter embellish a tree in anticipation of Christmas. But why is Christmas celebrated on Dec. 25? (Graphic credit: 10’000 Hours by using Getty Images)

These days, many (but not all) Christians celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25. But offered that the start day of Jesus Christ is not recognized with certainty, why was this working day selected? 

There are two major theories as to why Christmas is celebrated on Dec. 25. Just one, occasionally referred to as the “background of faith” hypothesis, implies that Christmas supplanted a person or more pagan holidays. The other principle, typically identified as the “computation” or “calculation” hypothesis, implies that early Christians utilised some variety of calculation to get there at Dec. 25 as Jesus’ birthday. 

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