6 Dispensary SEO Tips to Skyrocket Online Visibility of Your CBD Business

6 Dispensary SEO Tips to Skyrocket Online Visibility of Your CBD Business


With ever competing cannabis dispensary market, a strong SEO strategy is important for long-term success. So if you want to pop up your website in local results, outrank your competition, and ultimately boost your organic website traffic, we’re here to help expert dispensary SEO. 

SEO for CBD is the culmination of all efforts you make to boost the rankings of dispensaries on your dispensary website in SERPs. This includes search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Great SEO ranking for your CBD dispensary amplifies awareness about your locations, products and offerings. And, most importantly, making it easier for customers to find you. 

If you’re planning to increase your online visibility, here are a few seo for dispensaries tips that show up in the SERP that directly impacts your customer’s ability to find you. 

Target the first page of SERPs 

The ideal position is the first result that shows up on the search engine result page when you’re browsing over the internet. Unfortunately, 75% of internet users never scroll past the first page of SERPs. For example, a search for “Samsung TVs ” shows a pay-per-click (PPC) ad first and the organic search results. 

The “ Best TVs” keyword on the search engine results page returns the expected result: Samsung TVs| Best Television built for you on the first page on the SERP. 

Rank for your Organic Keywords 

The ranking is where your results show on the search engine result page for your targeted keywords. Your goal is to “show up” on the first few rankings for your most important keywords, including your dispensary’s name. Unfortunately, most dispensary owners don’t understand the power of local SEO for CBD or the value of Google My Business.Good SEO increases the amount of free traffic you generate to your website.

An organic search keyword is a list of words and phrases that people use when searching for your dispensary. Dispensaries, cannabis and CBD products have very limited options for using PPC. Therefore, the keywords people use while searching for your products and services should focus on your efforts. 

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Creating Quality Content focused on Cannabis and CBD topics 

Developing blog posts optimized for organic search is part of a content marketing strategy. Today, content marketing is beyond the scope of local seo for CBD. As a cannabis content marketer, you should: 

  • Share your knowledge and passion for the cannabis industry 
  • Discuss medical marijuana uses
  • Review different cannabis products
  • Answer common questions, such as: what are the benefits of different strains? 

To better understand what readers are looking for, you browse Quora or Reddit and search for cannabis-related discussions. For example, the r/weedbiz Subreddit is a great resource. You can also use a 301 redirect to divert traffic from an old article to the new. 

Integration of Standard HTML

When Google indexes your content, it looks through the web page examining the HTML markup to understand what the page is about. 

It’s important to keep your content as coherent as possible while using standard HTML tags. Some common header tags include h1, h2 and h3. 

SEO friendly URL Framing 

Using keywords in your URL is important. The closer the keywords are to the domain, the better. Here, you need to remove SEO stop words from your URL since the goal is to help search engines understand the content. 

Google with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) to write optimized content so that it loads faster. You can add AMP support for your cannabis website as a simple plugin here. 

Implementation of Secure Content (HTTPS) for your cannabis website 

Google’s ranking algorithm indicates that content served securely will receive a search boost. When you imply that content is not served securely using SSL/HTTPS will lose search rank. Suppose your CBD website does not use https:// for all website traffic. 

Wrapping Up 

Once your Dispensary’s SEO is on track, ensure your SEO strategy helps customers find you. With this in mind, you can further optimize your content with popups, also known as exit intent, to handle page bounces and store user information. 

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