Home inspection before the rainy season in 6 steps

Home inspection before the rainy season in 6 steps


The rainy season is approaching fast, and with it the chances your house will get damaged during a storm or get a leak somewhere. It’s best to fortify it in time so that you minimize the risk of any damage.

1. Check for leaks

Checking for leaks before the stormy period comes will ensure avoiding bigger problems like mildew and mold. Any minor leak left unattended can cause a flood in case of a heavy storm. Pay attention if there are any watermarks or peeling paint in the rooms and in the attic. Get outside and look carefully at the roof: are there any missing shingles, cracks at the ridges or curled or damaged shingles? The repair won’t take too much of your time but the financial gain will be huge in comparison to what a storm could cost you.

2. Clean the gutters

Gutters are highly important for the drainage system of your home because they prevent water from damaging the roof and the walls through handling it during the precipitation period. However, they get easily clogged with debris, leaves, dry branches and items that end up on the roof over time. It’s essential you clean them regularly.

If there’s heavy rain and the gutters haven’t been cleaned, the water could pool on the roof, resulting in leaks and damage to the walls and the attic. Climb on the ladder and thoroughly clean the gutters while you still have time.

3. Inspect the basement

In case you have a basement, you need to pay special attention to it. As it’s a very specific room, it’s better if you call an expert for a thorough check. In case of any leak, sinking or even flooding, the expert will react immediately. This is especially important if the water has reached some of the appliances. You shouldn’t mess with the electricity on your own. A professional will know how to safely handle the problem.

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4. Clean all the pipes inside your home

water drainage needs to be ready for the heavy rainstorms. Otherwise, they could cause major spills and serious floods inside your home. Once again, this isn’t something you should do on your own. Services like those in Woden Valley Plumbing & Gasfitting take care of the problem as soon as they identify it. professionals thoroughly clean all the pipes and break potential clogs. They will know if there are pipes that need to be replaced because they won’t make it through the heavy weather.

5. Seal the windows and doors

Windows and doors are an additional entry point for water into your home. This turns out to be true especially when the wind is pushing the rain sideways, directly onto the doors and windows. So, first check if all the windows and doors are properly sealed because even the smallest leaks cause big problems. By sealing everything, you will also save money on heating bills because you’ll be losing less heat if there are no little cracks on the windows and doors.

6. Mind the trees

As much as trees are a wonderful decoration in the yard, they can threaten your safety during a heavy storm. As they are quite tall and heavy, they can cause huge damage if they break and fall. Reducing the volume of the tree is the safest thing to do. You don’t need to cut it down completely if you cut the branches to a minimum and spare the trunk. That way, there’s no danger of a large branch breaking into your home through a window while the trunk will probably make it on its own during the storm.

All in all

Make sure you take these steps to ensure a worry-free rainy season. Your house and your family members will be much safer if you start with the check and repairs right now.

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