Top 4 Least-Known Yet Smart Communication Tools Features to Have in 2021

Top 4 Least-Known Yet Smart Communication Tools Features to Have in 2021


Beyond any question, when it comes to encouraging and improving internal communication in a business organization, one needs to have an effective plan. With a myriad of communication tools available, any business can flourish and put things in place with clear-cut interactions. Or else, as most of the millennials recommend, it is never a bad idea to invest, consider, and implement enterprise communication software as a successful business policy. 

If you have been looking for user-friendly ideas that can increase your workplace productivity and efficiency while simplifying IT management, don’t forget to take advantage of smart communication tools such as a VoIP phone. From small to large businesses, they have been an obvious solution. 

While you may have made up your mind to try out the pros of communication tools at your workplace, still, you need to know that there are plenty of features that need to be a part of this. Our quick rundown will help you know more about them. So, let’s get started. 

#1 Having a Social Portal Never Goes Wrong 

Instead of missing important documents and deadlines while handling that huge pile of paperwork, it is way much better to have a central intranet portal. Yes, an innovative approach that will allow your employees to have all the relevant information, documentation, communications, and contracts at the same place. It just not only makes all these things possible but also enables you to save much more on IT maintenance expenses. Putting it all together, a social intranet helps cultivate a more manageable workplace in this age of telecommuting and BYOD. 

# Private Chat and Group Messaging to Collaborate Well

There are times when one may find their inboxes full of unwanted email trails. Or else, you cannot find a particular piece of conversation in any of the trails. Well, this may turn out to be more horrific if your boss demands something like that. Having private and group messaging as a feature of your enterprise communication software nimbly eliminates the need to follow those long email threads. This specific feature has been a boon for multi-regional workers for their brand in different time zones. Just like Facebook groups, chat options in an intranet are just a single tap away. And, guess what an add-on to this is? Employees can easily share files, calendars, images, or events in a few clicks. 

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#3 Advance Task Management Never Hurts 

Remember that your overall business graphs won’t escalate if you don’t have a certain task management tool. A similar feature completely transforms the way every employee performs and finishes their job without any confusion. With this, the directors, managers, and employees can reach their goals more successfully and efficiently. For instance, managers can directly assign tasks to any specific team members while tracking their progress. The communication tool feature also authorizes them to set due dates, reminders, and task prioritization as required. 

#4 Analytics and Sentiments to Track Concerns 

As experts call it, every business invested in an intranet needs to be up to date with the ongoing business communication. It not only helps in monitoring the engagement level among workers but also to track what are the most beneficial aspects for the business. To evaluate user behavior, there’s nothing else more efficient than having the sentiments and analytics feature. With this, you will never have to worry about how many team members are reading a post, commenting on a forum, or sharing feedback on any piece of content. 

All gets sorted in a detailed, comprehensive report on a dashboard. The report enables you to know and understand what is working at its best and what is not. You can also dig deeper into the Q&As to recognize how many individuals have the same questions or concerns. Gathering all this information will support you to make mandatory changes that can further improve management communication overall. 

When your business intranet has all these communication tools equipped in it, you will likely see a positive change in your workplace’s knowledge, engagement, and efficiency graph. 

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