How to Make and Stick to a Budget in College

How to Make and Stick to a Budget in College

Being a student can be hectic enough as it is. You do not want to worry about how you will afford to keep the lights on at the end of the month. Proper financial planning will help you to avoid this horrible scenario. If you have not learned how to manage your finances yet, then now is the perfect time to learn.

Top Tips for College Financial Planning  

Study hard and take advantage of the time you have while you’re in college. The decision of whether to learn how you manage your financial resources wisely is more or less made for you. If you do not decide to pick it up, then you will quickly find out how expensive that mistake can be.

  • Keep The Running List of Your Expenses  

Electric Rates, Internet bills, sewage bills, trash removal service, lawn service, rents, and many more monthly expenses will accumulate as you enter adulthood. If you do not keep track of them, then it is incredibly easy to lose track of where you are, financially speaking.

If you have a phone or other device, there are many apps that can make this an automatic task. As long as the money you have is spent using electronic means, then it can be automatically cataloged by your device so you can look back later and review your spending habits. This will allow you to easily target the areas that need the most focus on improvement. 

  • Divide Your Money Into Different Categories for Budgeting  

As a student, you will likely have money coming in from multiple sources. Perhaps your parents have given you some college funds, maybe you have a job, your school may have given you a scholarship, or perhaps you even receive some grant money. No matter the source of your money, you need to make sure that you know exactly where each dollar will be spent once you receive it. Most students have limited income-earning potential while they are still in school. As such, it is even more critical for students to manage the money they have to afford everything they need. At the start of each month, you should have a total amount that you know will be necessary to meet your monthly financial obligations. Your number one priority should be to set aside this amount of money. You can then make other spending categories such as food, electricity, entertainment, and any expenses that are easily categorized.

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 Easy Ways to Save Money as a Student   

Do not waste money on eating out all of the time. If you do want to go out to clubs or bars on the weekends then by all means go and have fun. Just realize that if you can avoid spending money, thereby pre-gaming with your friends at home, everyone will save money and still have just as much fun. There’s no reason to spend more when you can achieve the same effect for less. That is called being a star pupil. Your college days are the perfect time for you to develop the habits that will allow you to live successfully as an adult. Please take advantage of them to the best of your ability.

 The Importance of Finding Additional Income   

Even the most prudent financial planner cannot solve the puzzle if it is impossible. If your monthly expenses and your monthly income do not line up, then all you can do is try to find other opportunities to earn more money. Get creative!

As a student, you may be able to do many things that people find valuable, but may not be considered employment. Offer to cut people’s lawns in the neighborhood in which you live. If you are gifted academically, you may be able to find a lucrative sidekick as a tutor while at university.

 Final Tips for Maintaining Good Financial Habits as a Student   

As with all things that come to this time of your life, things can seem overwhelming at times. Do not let yourself get too stressed out. Many of these skills will come naturally as you age, and mistakes are nothing that should make you ashamed. Everyone made a few of them when they were your age.

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